: Gallery
Outdoor PE, by Mrs Beckingham
Skipping Day, by Mrs Buckley
Stone Age to present day timeline, by Mrs Buckley
Jeans for Genes Day , by Miss Maher
Our first PE lesson, by Miss Maher
Our first few weeks in Reception 2016, by Miss Maher
Western Approaches, by Mrs Quinn
Class 6 Hockey session, by Mrs Quinn
Netball Club, by Mrs Quinn
Class 6 day at Holy Family High School, by Mrs Quinn
Class 6 blackberry picking, by Mrs Quinn
take wellies home, by Mrs Pritchard
Speed Stacking mornings this week, by Mr Phillips
Black history week, by Mr Phillips
Camp Night, by Mr Phillips
Class 1, Class 2 and Reception went on a winter walk to the woods. You'll never guess who we bumped into!, by Mr Phillips
In the Garden, by Mr Phillips
Our First Week in Reception Our First Week in Reception 1, by Mr Phillips
Play and Stay Session, by Mr Phillips
Ahoy!, by Mr Phillips
Duke Street Park, by Mr Phillips
BUBBLES, by Mr Phillips
Acorn Farm Kirkby, by Mr Phillips
Sports Day, by Mr Phillips