: Gallery
P.E in Reception, by Mrs Symes
Reception Beach School, by Mrs Symes
Halloween Fun in Reception, by Mrs Symes
Quidditch in Reception, by Mrs Symes
Baptism Role Play in Reception, by Mrs Symes
Finger Painting and Pumpkins, by Mrs Symes
Collages, Autumn Scenes and Den Building in Reception, by Mrs Symes
Another busy day in Reception, by Mrs Symes
Yoga in Reception, by Mrs Symes
Exploring the number 1 and outdoor fun in Reception., by Mrs Symes
Reception's First Week, by Mrs Symes
class 6 first day, by Mrs Quinn
Reception's Trip to Duke Street Park, by Mrs Symes
Reception's Trip to Laurel's Wood, by Mrs Symes
Helping the peas in Reception., by Mrs Symes
Releasing the Butterflies in Reception, by Mrs Symes
Supertatos and Magic Flowers in Reception, by Mrs Symes
Class 1 Knowsley Safari Park, by Mrs Dennehy
Class 1 Beach School, by Mrs Dennehy
Reception's Trip to Imagine That, by Mrs Symes
Class 6 beach day, by Mrs Quinn
Making the most of the sunshine in Reception, by Mrs Symes
Fun in the sun in Reception, by Mrs Symes
Coronation Celebrations in Reception, by Mrs Symes
Art and P.E in Reception, by Mrs Symes