Year 5 2024 - 2025
Mr Seery
Mrs Almulla
Miss McKearney
Welcome to Year 5
Spring 1 2025
Welcome back! Happy New Year! We hope that you have had a wonderful break and ready to start the calendar year with positivity!
During this half-term, our English will once more be based on a high quality text. We will be looking at 'Arthur and the Golden Rope' which also ties in with our history topic of 'The Trojan Horse'
In Maths we will be focussing lots on Place Value, Rounding, Addition & Subtraction, Decimals, Multiplication and Division and Time.
In Science, we will be working on the theme of 'Animals including humans'
In Art, we will be looking at different aspects of Sculpture & 3D.
In music, we will explore music from South and West Africa.
In Computing, our focus will be on Databases and Game Creator
P.E. for Class 5 will be each Wednesday (Swimming) and Thursday and the children should come into school wearing their P.E. kits on these days.
A Homework Timetable is attached below..
Please check the class page regularly for updates and photographs of what we have been getting up to in class.
Purple Mash
St. Jerome's has access to a brilliant online software package called Purple Mash. The children's user names and passwords remain the same and this can still be accessed from home.
To log in simply click on this link:
Enter your details and you should be taken straight to the home page. Here the children can access all the content which covers the entire curriculum. The children are encouraged to use whatever activities they wish and save their work which on approval could be placed on our Class Five Display Board.
The software will be used for homework at different times throughout the year.
Maths web links
Here are a number of links which will be extremely useful for your child concerning Maths. Including websites that we currently use for homework throughout the year.
Topic Web Links
Here are some external website links that are full of information on the topic we are studying at the moment.
- Ancient Greece
Music Links
Mental Health links:
- Children's Mental Health resources - for parents
- 5 minutes of fun
- Partnership for Children
- Family Togetherness
- Relax with Hollie
- BBC - Children's Mental Health activities
Please also visit the school's dedicated mental health and well-being page for more information on where to get support.
Welcome to the Class Five Learning Hub!
Click on the icons below which will take you straight to the website. The website will give you ideas and activities for your age related learning journey. We will add to this over time. Don't forget to look on Google Classroom for your latest activities!
Files to Download
Year 5: News items
Stars of the Week 10.01.25, by Mrs Binns
Stars of the Week 29.11.24, by Mrs Binns
Stars of the Week 22.11.24, by Mrs Binns