Ug The Stone Age Boy visit.
Lesson: History
Class: Year 3 Year: 2016 - 2017
Class 3 had a very exciting day today as we discovered that Ug, our Stone Age friend had paid us a visit. He came to deliver a reply to the letters we had written to him and to also give us some equipment so that we could experience what life was like for him in The Stone Age. As you can see from the photos he left a bit of a mess!
After we had tidied the classroom we read the letter and went outside to build a fire and toast some marshmallows - very exciting! We then collected some natural tools to use for our clay pot making and cave art sessions. We then tried our best to make clay pots in the same way it was done during the New Stone Age.
After lunch it was time for cave art. We had already prepared the paper and collected our tools so we got started straight away, basing our ideas on real cave art discovered in France. The results really were amazing. Some of the artwork can be seen on the photos below but we will post more pictures of it soon.
Finally, we decided that we should write a thank you letter to Ug for helping us to have a fantastic day and enabling us to learn so much. We also had to answer his question - which time should he return to... The Stone, Bronze or Iron Age? We conducted some research using the school iPads and each child decided which of the time periods they thought was best. All the children then wrote their letters to Ug. What a busy, fun filled day!