
We are very proud of our Mathematics curriculum at St. Jerome's.  Mathematics is a core National Curriculum subject that equips pupils with vital skills that they will need to use throughout their everyday lives.  These skills include logical reasoning, problem solving and the ability to think in abstract ways.  Mathematics is important in everyday life and so, with this in mind, it is vital that children develop a positive and enthusiastic attitude towards mathematics that will stay with them.

Mathematics teaching will be in line with the National Curriculum in years 1 to 6 and the Early Years framework in the EYFS.   In the EYFS we follow a mathematical fluency programme which has been devised by the NCETM.  This helps the children to develop a deep understanding of number.  The children initially look at the numbers 1-10.  Within this they look at concepts such as one more, one less, relevant day of the week and month of the year, 2D and 3D shapes, time and money.  Children are encouraged to pay for their daily snack with the correct money for the number they are currently working on.

Years 1 – 6 use the Abacus resource for planning and delivery.  This is an online resource, which has detailed plans and lesson resources for each area of the curriculum.  Teachers will also source their own resources to consolidate certain concepts.  PUMA assessments are sat termly although ongoing teacher assessment is also very important.

We value the importance of cross curricular mathematics and opportunities are taken to integrate mathematics into other areas of the curriculum whenever appropriate.  We take part in STEM activities – we have a stand-alone STEM week where the rest of the curriculum is on pause for the week and the whole school spends the week with a STEM focus.

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St. Jerome's Catholic Primary School

Greenloons Drive, Formby, Liverpool L37 2LX

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